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Fosfat içeren Lavmanlar
(1 inceleyen) (1) Ziyaretçi
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BAŞLIK: Fosfat içeren Lavmanlar
Fosfat içeren Lavmanlar 8 Yıl, 5 Ay önce Karma: 0  

Aşağıda belirtilen konu hakkında bilgi ve görüşlerinizi rica ediyorum.

(Anal manometriye hazırlık için BT Enema kullanacağım ancak benim için hem kullanım zorluğu hem de aşağıda belirtilen uyarılar açısından kullanmak istemiyorum.Ancak bu test uygulanacak ve hazırlık için X-M solüsyon gibi başka bir ilaç kullanamaz mıyım?Gerçekten tereddütteyim ve üzgünüm.)


Oral Sodium Phosphate Not Recommended for Bowel Endoscopy Preparation in Elderly CME
News Author: Laurie Barclay, MD
CME Author: Désirée Lie, MD, MSEd
Release Date: March 25, 2008
Barsak org olarak uzun süredir fosfor içeren Fleet türü lavmanların kullanılmamasını söyleyip durduk, buna rağmen pek çok gastroenterolog ve gastroentereloji profesörü, bu konuda gerekli hassasiyeti göstermedi ve hastalarına yazmaya devam ettiler.
Bizim düşüncemizi kanıtlayan çalışma Texas A&M ünivrsitesi doktorlarından Anand Khurana dan geldi. Khurana 286 kolonoskopi yapılacak hastaya, fosforlu lavman vermiş (fleet enema) ve bu hastalarda 6 ay sonra böbrek fonksiyonlarında %10 a yakın kayıplar meydana geldiğini görmüş.
Lütfen doktorunuzu bu konuda uyarın.
Arch Intern Med. 2008;168:565-567, 593-597.

25-08-2008 SON GELİŞME: Yine fosfat la barsak temizlenmesi için bir uyarı daha aşağıdaki linkte mevcut
Is Bowel Preparation Before Colonoscopy a Risky Business for The Kidney? CME
Posted 09/16/2008

Yeong-Hau H. Lien, MD

İşte son bir uyarıda ABD'nin en önemli ilaç gözlem merkezi FDA'dan 12 aralık 2008 tarihinde geldi.

Makalenin orijilani yayınlıyoruz. Makalede kısaca, bu lavmanı kullananlarda ani böbrek kanallarında (fosfora bağlı) tıkanmalar, yine ani gelişen böbrek yetmezliğinden hatta kolit yaptığından bahsediliyor.

Oral Sodium Phosphate Products Linked to Acute Phosphate Nephropathy

Laurie Barclay, MD

December 12, 2008 — Acute phosphate nephropathy has been reported in association with the use of oral sodium phosphate products (OSPs), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced yesterday.

The FDA has therefore required the manufacturer of prescription OSPs Visicol (Salix Pharmaceuticals) and OsmoPrep (Salix Pharmaceuticals) to add a boxed warning to the labeling for these products, according to an alert sent yesterday from MedWatch, the FDA's safety information and adverse event reporting program.

"Though rare, these are serious adverse events associated with the use of oral sodium phosphates — both prescription and over-the-counter products," Janet Woodcock, MD, director of FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a news release.

"In some cases, these serious adverse events occurred in patients with no pre-existing health factors that would have put them at risk for developing kidney injury," Dr. Woodcock said. "We cannot rule out, however, that some of these patients were dehydrated prior to ingestion of OSP products or they did not drink sufficient fluids after ingesting OSP products."

In addition to Visicol and OsmoPrep, which are used for bowel cleansing and preparation before colonoscopy or other procedures, OSPs include over-the-counter laxatives such as Fleet Phospho-soda (C. B. Fleet Company).

When used for bowel cleansing, OSPs have been linked to acute phosphate nephropathy in some patients without apparent risk factors for developing acute kidney injury. However, some of these patients may have been dehydrated before using OSPs or may have had inadequate fluid intake after use of OSPs, which would increase the risk for acute phosphate nephropathy.

In acute phosphate nephropathy, calcium-phosphate crystals deposit in the renal tubules, where they may cause serious, permanent impairment of kidney function.

Risk factors for developing acute phosphate nephropathy as an adverse event of OSP use include age greater than 55 years, hypovolemia, decreased intravascular volume, and renal impairment, bowel obstruction, or active colitis at baseline. Use of medications that may impair renal perfusion or function may also increase risk. These include diuretics, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, and possibly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

For patients with any of the above risk factors, the FDA recommends that OSP prescription products be used with caution for bowel cleansing. OSP products are contraindicated in children younger than 18 years or in combination with other laxatives containing sodium phosphate.

To ensure that the benefits of OSPs outweigh the risks of acute phosphate nephropathy, the FDA is mandating a risk evaluation and mitigation strategy by the manufacturer, including a medication guide, as well as a postmarketing clinical trial to further evaluate the risk of acute renal injury with OSP use.

Because OSPs have a long history of safe use as over-the-counter laxatives, the FDA will continue to allow their availability in this setting. However, the FDA warns that over-the-counter laxative OSPs should not be used for bowel cleansing at a higher dose than the recommended laxative dose, and it will issue an amendment to remove the professional labeling for bowel cleansing for these OSPs available over-the-counter. OSPs should only be used for bowel cleansing when prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Adverse events related to use of OSPs should be communicated to the FDA's MedWatch reporting program by telephone at 1-800-FDA-1088, by fax at 1-800-FDA-0178, online at www.fda.gov/medwatch, or by mail to 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787.

Yine Bir Son Haber:
December 29, 2008 — A high intake of phosphates, which are increasingly used as food additives, may increase the risk for and proliferation of lung cancer, according to a preliminary study in the January issue of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Burada da yüksek miktarlarda alınan fosforun akciğer kanserine yol açabileceği belirtiliyor.
unexpected (Kullanıcı)
Fresh Boarder
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Cvp:Fosfat içeren Lavmanlar 8 Yıl, 5 Ay önce Karma: 7  
Size geçmiş olsun. Farklı bir hekim tarafından önerilen bir girişimin veya tedavi yönteminin uygunluğu, hazırlık aşaması, komplikasyonları veya sonuçları hakkında sanal ortamda görüş bildirilemez. İlgili hekim, gerçekleştireceği girişimin etki ve yan etkileri konusunda hasta ve yakınlarını bilgilendirmelidir. Bu nedenle, sorularınızı size kolonoskopi (www.taviloglu.com/endoskopi/kolonoskopi.html) tetkikini öneren meslektaşımıza veya ekibe yöneltmeniz uygun olur. Acil şifa dileğimle.


Prof. Dr. Korhan Taviloğlu
Taviloğlu Proktoloji Merkezi
Bağırsak ve makat hastalıkları tedavisi

DrTaviloglu (Yönetici)
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